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Physicists, Geophysicists, Geoinformatics Specialists or similar (f/m/x) Space weather research
Aktualität: 26.07.2024


26.07.2024, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
Physicists, Geophysicists, Geoinformatics Specialists or similar (f/m/x) Space weather research
Space weather has a significant impact on the performance and reliability of space-based and ground-based technological systems. It can cause significant disruptions to modern communication and navigation systems, leading to increased security risks, economic losses and reduced quality of life. The department Space Weather Impact develops and investigates methods for measuring, evaluating and predicting physical and technical quantities that can describe the effects of space weather on technical systems. The results help to better understand the effects of space weather on our society and technical systems and to develop possible countermeasures in cooperation with scientific, industrial or governmental partners. Your mission is in the field of applied research and contributes to the scientific and technical understanding of the interactions between space weather and our infrastructure (on the ground and in space). This will support operators of critical infrastructures and services in the fields of navigation, communications, aviation, space exploration and the electricity grid. Your tasks will specifically include: further development and operation of an automated and horizontally scalable processing system for the representation and analysis of space weather at the Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center (IMPC) selection and processing of suitable observation data for the investigation of space weather effects on technical systems and infrastructures development and implementation of scientific methods for data assimilation of ground-based and space-based data into space weather models development, automation and validation of methods for measuring, evaluating and predicting physical and technical variables that describe the effects of space weather on technical systems development and orchestration of systems for distributed data analysis and globally distributed measurement infrastructure investigation of long-term effects due to continuous and spontaneous changes in space weather conditions
Physicists, Geophysicists, Geoinformatics Specialists or similar (f/m/x) Space weather research Completed scientific university degree (Master/​​Diploma) in the natural sciences (e.g. meteorology, physics, geophysics, geodesy) or engineering sciences (e.g. computer science, geoinformatics, data science, data engineering and analytics) or other degree programmes relevant to the job position Basic knowledge of the effects of space weather and their influence on technical infrastructures, e.g. in the field of satellite navigation and HF communication Basic knowledge in the development and/or application of models to describe the ionosphere/​​plasmasphere Practical experience in the development of modular software in a team for the automated acquisition, scientific analysis and interactive visualisation of multidimensional space weather data using CI/CD and Gitlab/​Github Practical experience in the use of Linux and sound knowledge of one of the programming languages Python, Go, Rust, C++ Highly motivated to learn about new topics and processes while identifying and communicating approaches to data-driven solutions Strong communication and teamwork skills and a pragmatic hands-on mentality Willingness to travel (nationally and internationally) Very good knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken Sound knowledge and practical experience in distributed data management including data modelling and interoperable data provisioning (e.g. using relational database systems such as PostgreSQL, PostGIS and TimescaleDB), S3 object storages, development of APIs [e.g. HAPI, OGC]) advantageous Practical experience in virtualisation, containerisation and orchestration of hardware and software components (e.g. KVM, Kubernetes, Docker/​Podman, Argo Workflow, Ansible advantageous


