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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Multilinguale Computerlinguistik - englische Fassung
Aktualität: 19.12.2024


19.12.2024, Universität Passau
As part of the research project “The Evolution of Visual Information Encoding (EVINE)” (https://www.erc-evine.de), funded by the European Research Council in the form of a Starting Grant and led by Dr Christian Bentz, we are seeking a

Graduate Research Assistant (Doctoral Candidate)

to be employed (pro rata at 65%) from 1 April 2025 on a three-year fixed-term contract at the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics led by Professor Johann-Mattis List. Remuneration is in accordance with pay grade E13 of the German public-sector collective agreement, TV-L. To be considered for this position, applicants must have a university master’s degree in general linguistics, comparative linguistics, computational linguistics or cognitive science. The doctoral candidate will be given the opportunity to write a doctoral thesis while employed by the chair

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Contribute to the building of a database on intentional and non-utilitarian paleolithic signs (https://www.signbase.org) from the Lower Paleolithic of c. 400 kya to the late Upper Paleolithic c. 15 kya.
  • Carry out computational, statistical and experimental analyses comparing sign sequences of the paleolithic with ancient and modern-day writing systems.
  • Conceptualise and conduct your own research projects within the context of the EVINE project and/or the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics.

Person Specification

  • Must have a university master’s degree in general linguistics, comparative linguistics, computational linguistics or cognitive science.
  • Knowledge of programming with R or Python.
  • Knowledge of statistical programming and/or machine learning would be advantageous.
  • You have demonstrated the drive to push your own research projects as a bachelor’s and master’s student.
  • You are a resilient and reliable team-player.
  • Excellent spoken and written English language skills.
  • German language skills would be an advantage.

Über uns

The University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight-knit international academic networks. Some 11,000 students and more than 1,300 staff study and work on our university campus, which is located a stone’s throw from the historical Old Town of Passau and combines state-of-the-art technical infrastructure with award-winning architecture. Internationally successful high-tech companies and a vibrant start-up scene, coupled with a rich culture and Lower Bavarian traditions, give Passau and the surrounding area a special appeal that makes it a great place to live and work.

So bewerben Sie sich

The application deadline is 17 January 2025. To apply, please send your full application (including a motivation letter of up to two pages relating to the job profile, curriculum vitae, certifications and optionally two published articles or research papers), attached as a single PDF file, by e-mail to Dr Christian Bentz at evine@uni-passau.de. Please write “Application for the EVINE Doctoral Position” in the subject line of the e-mail.

For specific questions on the position, please send an e-mail to the same address, writing “Question on the EVINE Doctoral Position” in the subject line. E-mailed applications are kept on file for up to six months after the conclusion of the appointment procedure, whereupon they are deleted from our systems.
Please visit www.uni-passau.de/en/university/current-vacancies for our data privacy statement.


